Sunday, July 23, 2017

Apt. 5B Podcast Hosted by Kil: The Ill Will Episode

For this week's episode of my podcast Apt. 5B, me and Jas are chopping it up with Vegas about the life and times of his cousin the infamous Ill Will. We're talking about everything from Vegas growing up with Ill Will and Nas on his weekend treks to Queensbridge, when Will got serious about hip hop and why the hood had SO much love for him to why he never knew Nas rhymed, what Will's influence was on Nas, why in the 20+ years that I've known Veg did he never drop the "I know Nas" tag, how Will's death provided a wave of positivity for Nas, Veg and a rack of others in the hood and since Veg was in the Bridge the night Will was murdered, how everything went down. Also, Veg speaks to the rumor that's ben recently floating around that Will wrote some of Nas' rhymes for Illmatic. We're also chopping it up about is it fair or foul that EPMD didn't wanna come outta pocket to pay DJ Scratch to be on their recent tour and why I put Scratch and Spinderella in the "consultant" category versus being a "full time employee" with EPMD & Salt 'n' Pepa. This ain't nuthin but ANOTHER dope ep ya'll and don't forget to subscribe to our You Tube Channel!

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